Frequently Asked Questions

We explore the neighborhood on foot for about 45 minutes to one hour. Sometimes we continue the conversation at a local coffee shop or brewery.
We love furry friends, but pets are not allowed on Neighborhood Walks.
Wear comfortable shoes and a bottle of water.
We get this question a lot! The best way to explore a new place is with an easy going pace. We average one mile in 20 minute and make stops along the way to look at houses, smell the roses, chat, and play “How much is this house?”
Absolutely! Our walks are a great way to explore the nooks and crannies of Atlanta’s neighborhoods. It’s also a great way to meet new people and get exercise.
In 2023, you will find us walking through Glenwood Park, Ormewood Park, West End, Westview, Oakhurst, Grant Park, Candler Park, Inman Park, and other intown neighborhoods. Check out our Neighborhood Walks Calendar and walk with us!

Neighborhood Walks are announced on Meetup. Create a free profile and follow our group “Neighborhood Walks“. You’ll be able to RSVP and get all the latest details.

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